Join the
SpeakHer Accelerator
group coaching program

What if your dream of speaking consistently is just one click away?

count me in for the
SpeakHer Accelerator
group coaching program!

A program for...

❤️ Professional women

❤️ Traditional speakers

❤️ Entrepreneurs

❤️ Coaches and consultants

❤️ Small business owners

❤️ Women with a message of help and hope someone needs right now

Hint: this is you!!

A program for...

❤️ Professional women

❤️ Traditional speakers

❤️ Entrepreneurs

❤️ Coaches and consultants

❤️ Small business owners

❤️ Women with a message of help and hope someone needs right now

Hint: this is you!!

The 4-session group coaching program for women who are ready to get intentional, get consistent & get booked!

Welcome to...

Great news, sister!
That's exactly why we're here!

You need a consistent and reliable way to find and book opportunities to share your message with the people it's for.
To cultivate impact and results in your business.
To raise your visibility through speaking.

🤔 You don't know where to find opportunities to speak.

🤔 You don't know how to reach out or what to say when you hear of an opportunity.

🤔 You struggle with fear and doubt keeping you from asking for opportunities to speak.

🤔 You're not sure if you're ready to go for it anyway.

🤔 You wait for opportunities to find you instead of doing the work to find and book them.

🤔 And the worst strategy of all, you stay quiet and unheard. Frustrated and missing out on what you know is possible for you and your business.

🤔 You don't know where to find opportunities to speak.

🤔 You don't know how to reach out or what to say when you hear of an opportunity.

🤔 You struggle with fear and doubt keeping you from asking for opportunities to speak.

🤔 You're not sure if you're ready to go for it anyway.

🤔 You wait for opportunities to find you instead of doing the work to find and book them.

🤔 And the worst strategy of all, you stay quiet and unheard. Frustrated and missing out on what you know is possible for you and your business.

The problem is...

whether on stages or podcasts,
over zoom or in the room,
public speaking is the most effective way to establish your expertise, maximize your reach & super-charge your impact.

You have the passion. You need the plan.

I'm Lori Robertson,    your SpeakHer Coach


I’ve worked in live events for over 20 years. I’ve produced and emceed large-scale faith-based women’s events and scouted, hired and coached speakers at every level. And I’ve stepped onto the stage in front of thousands to speak and host events myself.

Now, I work with women like you who are leveraging speaking to grow your impact and results as you step into purpose and impact through sharing your message with the people who need it.

Public speaking—whether in person or virtual, on a stage, podcast, zoom or any other vehicle—is the fastest way to establish your credibility, maximize your reach and supersize your impact.

And when you know how to find and go after opportunities to share your message, you’re truly only limited by your commitment to get booked and the time you’re able to devote to it on a consistent basis.

When you’re able to get booked to share your message, you can finally use your experience, your expertise, the wisdom you’ve learned along the way, the solution you’ve found or created to serve someone else. Lots of someones! And bring help and hope to those who need it most. And that’s why we’re here, isn’t it? To offer up what we have in service of others. That’s what I’m doing. And I know it’s what you’re here to do, too.

Over the course of 4 group coaching sessions, you'll learn the process of finding speaking opportunities that are right for your message, your audience and your business; reaching out to inquire about them; and getting them booked and on your calendar! Not only that, but we'll work the process. Together! No more stalling out when the rubber meets the road!

A 4-Session Group Coaching Program

Each week's training is taught live via Zoom. We'll spend 30-45 minutes teaching the content for the week followed by group discussion and Q&A. Every week, the Zoom session is recorded, and the replay is posted in our private Facebook group so you can to review anything you missed or revisit any of the content. Anytime you want. Forever.

Taught Live via Zoom

We'll have a private Facebook group for our little tribe of world-changing women. Not only can you access the session replays here, but we'll stay connected with homework threads, questions, ideas and encouragement on the regular.

Private Facebook Group

Learning and consistently applying the process of research, outreach and follow up is proven to lead to booking speaking opportunities. I've honestly never seen it not work. It's the most effective way to fast-track your visibility and impact. So while we'll be doing big things, our group will be small. Small enough that we'll really get to know and support each other. Small enough that you'll get personal, individual attention as you work the process and do this thing!

Big Impact, Small Group

Are you ready to get clear on the process, get consistent in doing the work & get booked to share your message?

Let's get to it!

count me in for the
SpeakHer Accelerator
group coaching program!

SpeakHer Accelerator is new and improved with what's working TODAY in the world of speakers and events! While the groups coaching program has been offered in the past, this is the first time the new-and-improved version is being offered. And because the economy is weird and the world needs your light more today than ever before, I'm offering the program at a 50% discount to make it accessible for you now so you can give yourself a turbo-boost if one of your 2025 goals is to speak more so you can create more influence, impact and results!

Join the Maiden(ish) Voyage!

Joy T.

"Lori ended up being the exact person that I needed to chase my dream of speaking more often and more effectively. Lori's experience with event planning and working with conference speakers is evident in her coaching. She helped me to understand what event planners need and want and how to make that relationship strong and effective. Her marketing plan helped me launch into another level of speaking and I quickly saw growth in my calendar. Lori stays current with today's trends and suggested website redesigns that were a game changer. Not only did I receive great coaching, a solid marketing plan and confidence in my calling, but I also received an ongoing advocate and friend."

JOY booked 3 new speaking events within weeks...With dozens more in her pipeline!

deidre westpheling

"You can't just jump onto stage hoping to wing something fantastic without first thinking of the audience.

This course is a great way to lay the foundation of your Signature Talk." 

"Because of this workshop, I've come to the realization I also have something to offer outside of a church setting. I've been given the tools to create and deliver a compelling message. It's because of Lori and her instruction that this has happened for me, and I am deeply grateful."

cathy heiser

Client Spotlight

Bonus Pre-Training

Before the Workshop starts, we'll cover what you need to have ready to start the process: clarity on who you serve, how you help and the difference it makes. We'll make sure you're able to share a bit of credibility in how you learned or lived what you have to share. Finally, we'll touch on mindset...solidifying your "why" and what's possible for you, your business and the people you serve when you get your message to the ones who need it.

are you ready
for this??

Learn the Process

This is the foundational piece. We'll start with learning the exact process of research, outreach and follow up that is the backbone for your efforts to find and book speaking gigs. It all starts here. We'll cover things like:

● How to find the right opportunities for you, your message & your audience;
●When and how to reach out to possibilities to cultivate relationships & ask for opportunities...and what to say when you do; and
● How and when to follow up with the intent of moving toward a booking.

Create the System

If you're working consistently to find opportunities and go after them, your best friend will be a solid and reliable tracking system. It doesn't have to be fancy, but it needs to do the heavy lifting to keep track of where you are on your possibilities and show you exactly what needs attention each time to sit down to get to work. 

We'll find the right tracking vehicle for you and help get your system set up. From simple, free options to paid, more robust choices, the right option is the one that works for you.

course Outline

Have you heard the phrase, "the devil's in the details"? With anything new, it's the nitty gritty that can trip you up. You understand the process in broad strokes and get what you're trying to accomplish. Until you sit down to type your first outreach email. Hmm...what was I going to say? How was I going to say it?

I bet you know that feeling. I know I do. But we're going to fix it for good with templates you'll customize and use for all your outreach efforts.

Bonus Templates

Optional Add-On

If you want to fast-track your efforts with individualized strategy, let's have a 1:1 coaching session alongside the SpeakHer Accelerator program.

When you register, you have the option to add a 1:1 coaching session for $200. This is more than 50% off the regular price of $450 for 60-minute session. The opportunity to talk through your specific goals and how best to apply the system to go farther faster will be well worth the additional investment.

1:1 Coaching session

As we wrap things up, we'll have a final training to help you set your intention and prepare to maximize every opportunity to share your message with the people it's for. Whether you're booking paid or unpaid speaking gigs, there are many ways to drive results in your business and in meaningful impact when you're intentional about leaning into them. This bonus training will set you up to make the most of every single opportunity.

making the most of every opportunity

Bonus Post-Training

Ready to do this?
Let's go!

Don’t let uncertainty and overwhelm keep you from stepping up, speaking up and going all in on the difference you're here to make in the world.

What's possible in your life and your business...
     ● if you were able to intentionally and consistently book opportunities to speak and share your business and your heart with audiences filled with the people you're looking to reach and serve?
     ●  if you knew the proven process for finding, pursuing and booking the right speaking opportunities?
     ●  if you could kickstart your efforts by learning alongside a group of women on the same path, working the process together, sharing, encouraging and learning from each other along the way?

Does that sound like the right next step for you?
Like the best path to the "more" you know you're meant for?

That’s why I’m here. That’s what I want for you.

Let’s work together to make today’s dream tomorrow’s reality.

Now is the time to go all in on your message.

It's the time to go all in on cultivating impact & results in your business through greater visibility.

It’s time to establish your expertise, maximize your reach & super-charge your impact by getting your message to the people who need it.

register for the
SpeakHer Accelerator
group coaching program!

$1,197 $600*

Speakher Accelerator

+ Access to a private Facebook group for accountability, encouragement & inspiration

+ BONUS Post-Training to set the stage to maximize every speaking opportunity

+ 4-Session Group Coaching program to learn the process of finding & pursuing speaking opportunities and building out your tracking system for leads

speakHer accelerator plus

let's do this!

+ PLUS  one 1-hour private coaching call to work through the process with your specific message, audience and goals to fast-track your progress!

speakher accelerator is for women who are ready to GO! Ready to commit to the process of finding and pursuing opportunities to speak. ready to participate in meaningful ways in a community of women who are working to bring messages of help and hope to a world that desperately needs it. if this isn't you, please don't join.

if it is you, you and join speakher accelerator with confidence. And a money-back guarantee. if you participate in the first week of the program and decide it's not for you, let me know. i'll process a full refund. no hassles. no hard feelings.

Money-Back Guarantee

+ BONUS Templates to customize for your outreach efforts

+ 4-Session Group Coaching program to learn the process of finding & pursuing speaking opportunities and building out your tracking system for leads

+ Access to a private Facebook group for accountability, encouragement & inspiration

+ BONUS Post-Training to set the stage to maximize every speaking opportunity

+ BONUS Templates to customize for your outreach efforts

* Special 2024 group pricing!

* Special 2024 group pricing!

$1,497 $750*

I've got answers

who is speakher accelerator for?

have questions?

All coaching programs are done via FaceTime or phone call! Whichever you prefer.

You bet! We have Decide + Conquer Program graduates from all over the world- United States, New Zealand, England, Japan, Australia, Sweden, and more.

If there is not a time that works with your schedule, send an email to with your time zone and times in the next week that you are available for your consultation call.

 Program pricing starts at $2,000. We have different programs and payment plans to meet your needs. Let’s get you started by booking a free consultation call.

Because of the nature of the content, all sales are final.

SpeakHer Accelerator is for women who have a message to share, know who it's for and how it helps them in meaningful ways and is ready to turn up the volume on your outreach efforts. It's for you if you're ready to get serious, get consistent and get booked sharing your message on stages, podcasts, and any other vehicle that will allow you to establish your credibility, maximize your reach and super-charge results in your business.

How much time will the course take?

Each week, we'll meet for 60-90 minutes. Then, you'll spend additional time setting up your system and doing the work. How much time you invest is really up to you. As with many things in life, what you get out of it will be in direct proportion to what you put into it. The more time and focus you dedicate to quality research and outreach, the more quality results you'll see bubble up in return. 

Since this is a group coaching course, participation is doubly important. Not only will you need to dedicate focused time to the sessions and homework, but each woman will be a vital part of the community that's working together to go farther faster than we can alone. The group will be limited in size, so each woman needs to be committed to the process and our group. If an hour or two per week isn't doable for you right now, this isn't likely the best time for you to invest in SpeakHer Accelerator.

How long until I make back my investment?

Whether you're pursuing paid speaking opportunities or speaking to grow your business, getting a return on an investment under $1,000 shouldn't take long. I've literally never seen this process not work. That said, it's a process to find the right opportunities, create meaningful connections with the people who book and turn those connections into bookings. If you're pinching pennies and will be stressed about getting the investment back as soon as possible, please don't join. That's too much stress for you, and it brings the wrong spirit into the group and into your outreach efforts. Join if you can enjoy the process, work the process with a positive vibe and have patience as you wait for good efforts to bear good fruit.

What if i don't have my message ready yet?

* Special PILOT group pricing!

There's one thing you have to have before you start the research, outreach and follow up process of booking speaking opportunities...Your Message! It doesn't have to be perfect yet. In fact, it won't be perfect yet because you'll refine as you get your reps in sharing it. But you do need to know what your message is in broad strokes so you can talk to podcast hosts, event planners and organizers about what you can offer their audiences. If your message isn't ready for prime time, maybe Signature Talk Workshop is the right next step for you! It's a 6-week group program to help you craft your signature message that becomes the cornerstone of your speaking efforts for years to come. Find out about the next Signature Talk Workshop class here.


* Special PILOT group pricing!

Most everyone has some degree of nervousness around public speaking. You've probably heard it's many people's #1 fear. More scary than death! If your fear of speaking is keeping you quiet and your message unheard, it's time to do something about it! Please know...I get it. I went from zero public speaking experience to a stage with 6000 in the room my first event! I had ALL the feelings, doubts, shakes, name it, I had it. But I learned how to overcome the fear and doubt. And you can, too. 
If fear is keeping you quiet on the sidelines, let's work together to fix that. Check out my Speak with Confidence mini-course. In just 3, 20-minute lessons, you'll learn the skillset and mindset I used to overcome fear and the 5 strategies that helped me cultivate confidence. You can do this!

Other questions about SpeakHer Accelerator?

let's talk

Maleia Evans

"Lori’s patience, understanding and attention to detail was instrumental in helping me recognize opportunities that I was missing and her coaching guidance created winning strategies for overcoming that. In working with Lori, I found my true north as a professional speaker. Lori is an excellent coach and tailors her approach according to both the needs of the event organizers who hire speakers and the speaker, themselves. The course was very beneficial to my continued growth and success as a speaker and I recommend Lori, without hesitation, to anyone interested in improving their skills, network, and professional image as a speaker." 

Mary Nastukov

"Before the Workshop, I was searching for my next step, my next season, my ultimate calling. It was the push I needed. The focus I needed. The commitment and fellowship I needed. I never imagined calling myself a speaker or communicator until this workshop and the events that led up to it. Now, I'm walking boldly, facing my fears.

Should you join the Workshop? YES!! This not only helps you did deep, organize your thoughts, and have accountability, but it truly forces you to face fears and find the conviction and resolution in your heart that THIS is what you are meant to do. If you want to know, DO this workshop!"