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Signature Talk Workshop

What if there was a way to craft the signature talk you can't wait to share again and again?

The signature talk that brings confidence and clarity. That carries your business, your career, your mission forward.

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signature talk workshop!

A program for...

❤️ Professional women

❤️ Traditional speakers

❤️ Business owners

❤️ Coaches and consultants

❤️ Women with a message of help and hope someone needs right now

Hint: this is you!!

A 6-week group coaching program for women who are ready to craft the signature talk you'll be eager to share with confidence and passion...again and again!

Welcome to...

It all starts with crafting
your signature talk.

When you’re able to confidently share your message with the people who need it, everything grows from there.

Not just income, impact and results.

Also credibility, visibility and influence.
For you, your business, your brand. 

⭐️ Your business grows at a quick pace, reaching more people and driving bigger results.

⭐️ You level up again and again in your career, stepping into more opportunity and responsibility.

⭐️ You bring more attention to your mission, driving forward faster and making an even bigger difference.

Effective speakers and communicators rise faster in business & your career.

The fact is:
Public speaking is the fastest, most effective way to establish your expertise, raise your visibility, maximize your reach and super-charge your impact. 

The message that engages, compels and transforms audiences, making a lasting impact.
That leads people into the solution you provide, the help and hope you offer. 

Whether your professional achievements are bringing speaking invitations to your door and you want to be awesome at it because that’s the only gear you have...

or you know public speaking is the best way to create the visibility, reach and results you’re looking for, you’re in the right place.

I'm Lori Robertson,    your SpeakHer Coach


I’m Lori Robertson, your SpeakHer Coach. I’ve spent nearly 20 years producing events and working with speakers. For over 10 years, I produced the Women of Faith tour, the largest touring brand for women there's ever been.

We toured the country’s NBA and NHL arenas, visiting 28-30 cities a year with average attendance of 14,000 at our peak. I produced the events, hired and coached speakers, and then was asked to step onto the stage to emcee the events.

When I first started speaking, I was at square one. I knew what a magnetic message that moves an audience looked like. But I had no idea how to create my own. Or how to present it effectively once I had it.

Luckily, I was perfectly positioned to learn from the best. Since then, I’ve spoken to over 1 million at more than 125 events. 

Along with speaking professionally and continuing to produce live and digital events, today, I work with women like you…high-performing professional women who are leveraging public speaking to grow your impact and results.

And it all starts with a magnetic, irresistible, effective signature talk.

Your signature talk is the vehicle that carries your business, your career, your mission forward. It engages your audience, captures their attention and moves them to action. They love it, and YOU love it because it allows you to show up authentically, with confidence and poise. Isn't that what we all want??

Your Signature Talk - Your Path to Visibility, Reach & Impact

Each week's training is taught live via Zoom. We'll spend 30-45 minutes teaching the content for the week followed by group discussion and Q&A. Every week, the Zoom session is recorded, and the replay is posted in our private Facebook group so you can to review anything you missed or revisit any of the content. Anytime you want. Forever.

Taught Live via Zoom

We'll have a private Facebook group for our little tribe of world-changing women. Not only can you access all the course goodies here, but we'll stay connected with homework threads, questions, ideas and encouragement on the regular.

Private Facebook Group

This is a group coaching program. We learn more, faster when we have the opportunity to learn alongside and from other women on the same path. You’ll find being part of this community of women invaluable. So while we'll be doing big things, our group will be small. Small enough that we'll really get to know and support each other. Small enough that you'll get personal, individual attention as you work the process and do this thing!

Big Impact, Small Group

Signature Talk Workshop will help you craft the message that will carry you into the “more” you’re made for.

Let's get to it!

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In Signature Talk Workshop,  you won't just learn the framework to create an effective, engaging, impactful talk, you'll craft your signature talk. And you'll have the opportunity to take it for a test drive with real-time feedback from me and the other women in the group.

Take Your Signature Talk for a Test Drive

Over the course of 6 weeks, you'll learn the framework to craft an engaging, compelling signature talk that moves your audience...and moves your business, career and mission forward. Not only that, but we'll implement the process. Together! No more stalling out when the rubber meets the road!

A 6-week Group Coaching Program

We all know, it’s one thing to learn the info…to take the course, to watch the video, to read the book. But your ability to apply and implement increases drastically when you can talk through, work through and apply what you’re learning to your own situation…your own signature talk. So you’ll receive a bonus 60 min coaching session to use whenever you'd like during the course. AND, you'll get a 30-minute 1:1 immediately following the course so you can ask any lingering questions, get help with any challenges or talk about next steps as you use your signature talk to change the world.

BONUS: Private 1:1 Coaching Sessions - 2 of em! 😊

You'll work through each module with your course workbook. The workbook will supplement what you're learning and guide you through implementation as you take each step toward your signature talk.

Course Workbook & Individual Exercises

Bonus Pre-Training

The first bonus is all about getting your mindset right. Before we start the workshop, we’ll gather for a speaker mindset bonus training. There are a few doubts I hear more than any others…variations of the thing we know as “imposter syndrome”. We’re going to address those, reveal the inherent flaws in that thinking and reframe them with truth. The truth that can fire up our courage and propel us forward.

professional speaker mindset

Module 01

This is square one. It's the best place to start, looking inside before we look outside. Starting with the big picture before we get into the details. We'll cover:
  • What a signature talk is and why it's the most powerful tool in your impact tool kit
  • Defining the best topic for your signature talk
  • Specifying the audience you'll address and the problem you'll help them solve
  • Determining your talk's  core message & key takeaway

Module 02

Now it's time to flesh out the meat of your talk. This is where the magic happens! We'll talk about:
  • The power of story and why stories are the best vehicle for connecting with an audience and making an lasting impact
  • How to find and capture your best stories
  • What makes a powerful story and how to tell one powerfully
  • Options for your talk's structure; finding the best one for your content and your talk's purpose

course outline

Module 03

We're in the home stretch in crafting your talk. It's time to make sure your talk hits its mark with a stickiness that lasts through a captivating intro and a clear, compelling close. This week, we'll cover:

  • The 3 C's of a strong talk intro
  • How to drive your message home with a clear and compelling closing call to action
  • How to create a signature talk roadmap so you can customize your talk for different audiences, environments and objectives

In the 4th week of the Workshop, it's time to share your work. Each Workshop participant has the opportunity to present her 20-minute signature talk to the rest of the group. Until you take your talk out of your mind and off the paper you've written it on, you don't know what you have. Or if you even have it. But putting the words in your mouth and sharing them live, seeing reactions and hearing feedback is invaluable. It's a key part of the process, and it puts the icing on the cake.

Taking Your Talk for a Test Drive

Bonus Post-Training

It’s one thing to craft a killer signature talk. The next hurdle is to present it in the awesome way it deserves. So we’re going to have a pro presentation skills training before we wrap things up. There are key principles and tactics the best, most impactful communicators use. The game-changers that take a speaker from good to great.

pro presentation skills

Wanna know:

🚀 How to determine your own core message…the foundation for this talk and many others;
🚀 Why stories are the magic your message needs, what makes a good story, how to choose the best ones for your message and how to share them masterfully;
🚀 The key elements every talk intro needs to capture your audience, draw them in and set the stage for real impact and transformation, answering the audience’s question: "so what?";
🚀 How to land the plane with a clear and compelling call to action. You’ve moved your audience, now you have to tell them to move. This is the "now what?" your audience is looking for. And,
🚀 Finally, the game-changers. The magical fairy dust that takes a message from eh to ah!

You'll learn all that in Signature Talk Workshop.

But that's not enough. I want to take you beyond just knowing... and right into the action. So I’ve created some additional resource and guides that will help you go faster and implement what you’re learning more effectively.

You'll receive these BONUSES:

🎉  Find Your Core Message & Nail Your Niche guide - help for finding the message for your signature talk and who it's for;
🎉  Topic Evaluation Framework - a tool to evaluate talk topics with an objective framework;
🎉  Your Story Catalog creation guide - clear instructions for discovering your best stories and cataloguing them for your signature talk and every talk to come; and 
🎉  Comfy on Camera resource guide - tips, tricks and tools to help you get comfortable and be confident showing up on camera. 

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+ Access to a private Facebook group for accountability, encouragement & inspiration

+ BONUS Speaker Mindset Training

Signature talk workshop

+ 4-Week Group Coaching program to craft your signature talk & take it for a test drive while learning the framework to cconfidently create any future talk you'll need

let's do this!

+ PLUS  one 1-hour private coaching call AND 30-minute private coaching call for personalized help with your signature talk & next steps planning!

signature talk workshop is for women who are ready to GO! Ready to commit to the process of crafting a magnetic, irresistible, moving signature talk. ready to participate in meaningful ways in a community of women who are working to craft messages that will change the world.

if this is you, you CAn join signature talk workshop with confidence. And a money-back guarantee. if you participate in the first week of the program and decide it's not for you, let me know. i'll process a full refund. no hassles. no hard feelings.

space is limited. secure your spot now!

Money-Back Guarantee

Signature talk workshop

*course only*

+ BONUS The Work Model guide

+ BONUS Find Your Core Message & Nail Your Niche guide

+ BONUS Topic Evaluation Framework

+ BONUS Story Catalog guide

+ BONUS Comfy on Camera guide

+ BONUS Pro Presentation Tips Training & guide

+ Access to a private Facebook group for accountability, encouragement & inspiration

+ BONUS Speaker Mindset Training & guide

+ 4-Week Group Coaching program to craft your signature talk & take it for a test drive while learning the framework to cconfidently create any future talk you'll need

+ BONUS The Work Model guide

+ BONUS Find Your Core Message & Nail Your Niche guide

+ BONUS Topic Evaluation Framework

+ BONUS Story Catalog guide

+ BONUS Comfy on Camera guide

+ BONUS Pro Presentation Tips Training

      enter your email below to join the waitlist
      for the next

      enter your email below to join the waitlist
      for the spring 2023

      I've got answers

      who is signature talk workshop for?

      have questions?

      All coaching programs are done via FaceTime or phone call! Whichever you prefer.

      You bet! We have Decide + Conquer Program graduates from all over the world- United States, New Zealand, England, Japan, Australia, Sweden, and more.

      If there is not a time that works with your schedule, send an email to with your time zone and times in the next week that you are available for your consultation call.

       Program pricing starts at $2,000. We have different programs and payment plans to meet your needs. Let’s get you started by booking a free consultation call.

      Because of the nature of the content, all sales are final.

      Signature Talk Workshop is for women who want to leverage speaking to establish your expertise, raise your visibility, maximize your reach and super-charge the impact in your business, career or mission. The first step is to craft an engaging, compelling, effective signature talk. The talk you'll be excited about...and eager to share again and again as you move forward into meaning and growth.

      what if i'm scared to speak in front of people?

      Most everyone has some degree of nervousness around public speaking. In fact, 75% of adults say they're anxious about speaking to groups. So it's important to know almost everyone feels that way. But it's a choice to stay there.

      That's one of the reasons the Workshop starts with a bonus mindset training. Our feelings (like anxiety) are always driven by our thinking. If we challenge and shift the ways we think about public speaking, what we have to share, where our focus belongs when we take the stage, we can lessen our nervousness around speaking. Secondarily, following a proven formula to create a compelling talk and practicing your talk is the other piece of putting your mind and your nerves!) to rest so you can settle in, enjoy giving your talk and serve your audience in the way you've come to serve.

      what if i'm not quite sure what I want to speak about or who it's for?

      * Special PILOT group pricing!

      That's exactly where we start with Signature Talk Workshop. We look in before we look out. We dig inward to find our core message. The thing we'd shout from the rooftops to share with the world.

      Whether you come into the Workshop knowing what you want to share or eager to find out, getting clear on your your core message is the best place to start.

      Other questions about signature talk workshop?

      let's talk

      Maleia Evans

      "Lori’s patience, understanding and attention to detail was instrumental in helping me recognize opportunities that I was missing and her coaching guidance created winning strategies for overcoming that. In working with Lori, I found my true north as a professional speaker. Lori is an excellent coach and tailors her approach according to both the needs of the event organizers who hire speakers and the speaker, themselves. The course was very beneficial to my continued growth and success as a speaker and I recommend Lori, without hesitation, to anyone interested in improving their skills, network, and professional image as a speaker." 

      Mary Nastukov

      "Before the Workshop, I was searching for my next step, my next season, my ultimate calling. It was the push I needed. The focus I needed. The commitment and fellowship I needed. I never imagined calling myself a speaker or communicator until this workshop and the events that led up to it. Now, I'm walking boldly, facing my fears.

      Should you join the Workshop? YES!! This not only helps you did deep, organize your thoughts, and have accountability, but it truly forces you to face fears and find the conviction and resolution in your heart that THIS is what you are meant to do. If you want to know, DO this workshop!"