Get full access to the
Speak with Confidence
self-study program

What if there was a way to master your fear of public speaking so you can confidently share any message, anytime, with anyone?

Women like you need a way to master the fear of public speaking so you can speak with confidence, delivering any message clearly and confidently, anywhere, anytime.

⭐️ You don't know how to overcome the fear of speaking in front of others. But it's actually 100% doable to master the fear. And channel it into energy and focus that serves you—and your audience.

⭐️ You think you're just not built for public speaking. In fact, public speaking skills are something everyone can learn and improve. (That's why it's called public speaking skills! 😀)

⭐️ You undervalue what you have to share. When the world and the people looking to learn from you need your message now more than ever.

⭐️ Worst of all, you're sitting on the sidelines. Letting days, months and years go by with your voice unheard. Your message unshared.


The fact is:
You have a message inside you that needs to be shared.
You've learned and earned wisdom, insights and expertise other people need to know right now. Your message matters.

I'm Lori Robertson,    your SpeakHer Coach


I’m Lori Robertson, your SpeakHer Coach. I’ve spent nearly 20 years producing events and working with speakers. For over 10 years, I produced the Women of Faith tour, the largest touring brand for women there's ever been.

We toured the country’s NBA and NHL arenas, visiting 28-30 cities a year with average attendance of 14,000 at our peak. I produced the events, hired and coached speakers, and then was asked to step onto the stage to emcee the events.

When I first started speaking, I went from zero public speaking experience (except that awful, awkward speech class in college) to stepping onto stages in front of thousands every weekend! 

I had to learn how to manage the physical fear symptoms (hello, sweaty feet and throw-up-y tummy!) and adjust my mindset pronto! Once fear wasn't creating a full-stop, I wanted to get confident. So I could love what I was doing. Have fun. And create a fun experience for the people in front of me.

Luckily, I was perfectly positioned to learn from the best. Since then, I’ve spoken to over 1 million at more than 125 events. 

If I can do it, you can too. To quote Shania Twain, "Let's go, girls!"

A program for...

❤️ Professional women

❤️ Corporate leaders

❤️ Business owners

❤️ Coaches and consultants

❤️ Women with a message of help and hope someone needs right now


Hint: this is you!!

A new course to help women like you overcome the fear of public speaking and step confidently into the influence and impact you're here to make

Welcome to...
the antidote for public speaking fear

Whether you're looking to level up in your career, grow your business or raise the visibility of a mission dear to your heart, the path to influence and impact is through your words.

You need to share your vision, ideas and wisdom.
It's time to crush the fear that's holding you back.

Get full access to the
Speak with Confidence
self-study program

Workshop 01

Face Your Fear
& Feel better

What's Included

In this class, you'll learn about the fear of public speaking: glossophobia. What is it? Why does it exist? You'll walk away with a better understanding of your fear and strategies to channel the energy in positive ways.

What We'll Work On:
  • Understanding glossophobia, how it shows up and when it holds you back
  • Mental and physical tools and tricks to replace anxiety with calm and clarity
  • Tips to diffuse fear and bring confidence to any speaking setting

Workshop 02

Dump your doubts
& think better

In this class, you'll take a good look at how your mindset impacts how you show up in the world—specifically when you choose to speak up or stay silent. You'll examine 3 disempowering thoughts we all have and replace them with better beliefs that serve you and give you the power to speak with confidence.

What We'll Work On:
  • Understanding how your thoughts impact your feelings and how to take control over the thoughts you allow
  • Identifying the doubts we all have and proving them false
  • Choose beliefs that empower you to serve yourself and others through confident communication

Workshop 03

own your voice &
speak with confidence

In this class, you'll move beyond the fear and doubt and learn how to cultivate confidence. You'll look closely at elements of confident communication—what are they, where do you get them and how you can incorporate them for yourself.

What We'll Work On:
  • Identifying what creates confident communication
  • Learning simple skills that will allow you to share any message with confidence, anywhere, anytime 
  • Taking action to speak with confidence!

⭐️⭐️ Bonus ⭐️⭐️

This PDF guide leads you to question the thoughts behind your fear and reframe them in ways that diffuse their power. Based on Byron Katie's ground-breaking model, The Work teaches tactics you'll use far beyond addressing public speaking fear.

examine your fear with the work framework

⭐️⭐️ Bonus ⭐️⭐️

Use these desktop and phone wallpaper graphics to constantly remind you of who you are, the power you have to change your life and the lives of those around you and the divine purpose on you can fulfill when you share your message and shine your light into a world that desperately needs it.

Better beliefs desktop & phone wallpapers

⭐️⭐️ Bonus ⭐️⭐️

Whether you're presenting on zoom, hosting a webinar or speaking virtually to hundreds, you need to get comfortable communicating on camera. This guide shares tips and resources to help you feel, look and sound your best on camera.

Comfy on camera
PDF guide

Extra Bonus

Speak with confidence private facebook community

One key to confidence is to surround yourself with a community of like-minded women who are working to speak with confidence and create influence and impact. Get feedback, share ideas and find support in this private community.

Grab the Ultimate Shortcut!

Grab the
Ultimate Shortcut!

✓ Face Your Fears & Feel Better workshop (valued at $97)

Dump Your Doubts & Think Better workshop (valued at $97)

Own Your Voice & Speak with Confidence workshop 
(valued at $197)

The Work Framework PDF guide (valued at $47)

Better Beliefs Desktop & Phone Wallpapers (valued at $27)

Comfy on Camera PDF guide (valued at $47)

Private Facebook Community (priceless!)

✓ Face Your Fears & Feel Better workshop (valued at $97)

Dump Your Doubts & Think Better workshop 
(valued at $97)

Own Your Voice & Speak with Confidence workshop
(valued at $197)

The Work 
Framework PDF guide
(valued at $47)

Better Beliefs 
Desktop & Phone Wallpapers
(valued at $27)

Comfy on Camera PDF guide 
(valued at $47)

Private Facebook Community 

Total value = $512

Today's Price = Just $47!!

Yes! Count me in!

speak with confidence workshop is for women who are ready to GO! Ready to commit to the process of crushing your fear and doubts and cultivating confidence as a communicator.

if this is you, you CAn join speak with confidence workshop with confidence.
And a money-back guarantee.

if you decide the program is not for you within 48 hours after purchase, let me know. i'll process a full refund. no hassles. no hard feelings.

Money-Back Guarantee

I've got answers

What if I'm terrified to speak in front of other people? Like physically ill!

have questions?

All coaching programs are done via FaceTime or phone call! Whichever you prefer.

You bet! We have Decide + Conquer Program graduates from all over the world- United States, New Zealand, England, Japan, Australia, Sweden, and more.

If there is not a time that works with your schedule, send an email to with your time zone and times in the next week that you are available for your consultation call.

 Program pricing starts at $2,000. We have different programs and payment plans to meet your needs. Let’s get you started by booking a free consultation call.

Because of the nature of the content, all sales are final.

I designed this program exactly for you! For the woman who stays quiet, keeping your wisdom and insight in side because the fear of speaking up is unbearable. I know how you feel. I've felt that way, too. And I found the way through it. If I can do it, you can too!

how much time will this require?

The individual workshop videos are under 20 minutes each. And you can even increase the playback speed to watch faster if you want to zoom through them. The amount of time, attention and intention you take with the recommended exercises is up to you. As with most things, what you get out of it will be in direct proportion to what you put into it.

There's no rush as you can work through the materials at your own pace, on your own time. If you're looking to get fast results and work through the program quickly, truly doing the work and incorporating the strategies I share, you can speak more confidently, comfortably and effectively the very next time you step up to speak.

When do I get access to the program and resources?

* Special PILOT group pricing!

You will receive an email immediately upon purchasing, giving you a link to access your member's area. There, you'll see the invitation to the private Speak with Confidence Facebook community as well.

What if I decide this isn't for me?

If you're not 100% satisfied with the course, the bonuses and the extras within 48 hours of purchase, I'll give you a full refund. No questions asked. 

That means you can enroll today, and you don't even have to decided if you're in for good! Take the full 7 days to explore the course and materials and make a decision using the information you have rather than the information you don't.

Other questions?

let's talk